La Giuria 2025

ATHENA Concorso Internazionale dell'Olio d'Oliva

Come nelle precedenti edizioni, la giuria del concordo ATHIOOC sarà composta da degustatori e assaggiatori di olio d'oliva di livello internazionale, dalla Grecia e dal estero, che possiedono un ampia e profonda conoscenza del olio d'oliva, e con grande esperienza nelle competizioni internazionali..

Per accedere al portale Judges' Corner di ATHIOOC, fare clic qui

Tomiko Tanaka


Τomiko Tanaka is an olive oil consultant who was born in Japan and has been living in Spain for the past 17 years. She is an accredited Extra Virgin Olive Oil Taster through the University of Jaén since 2008. Over the past ten years Tomiko has refined her knowledge about extra virgin olive oil through numerous courses, travels and seminars and has focused on communicating olive oil in both Spain and Japan. She is the creator of a start-up Oleotourism project called “Viaje de Olivos” and is a regular contributor on olive oil to Spanish and Japanese food publications. Among other projects she has created an olive oil specialist course destined to introduce Japanese consumers to olive oil appreciation. For all of the above in 2013 she was nominated and won second prize for “Disseminating Olive Oil Culture” by AEMO. Tomiko has previously judged at Ovibeja (Portugal), Evooleum and Jaén Selección (Spain) and Horeca (Lebanon).

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Olive Oil

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